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Name Title and Position *Department College/School Email Campus addressCampus phone Other phone * (Please see Competitive Grant FAQs for eligibility requirements) Complete Title of the Project (no more than 10 words): Brief Abstract (1-2 sentences, max. 50 words, to be used by the Provosts Office in media releases): Total Amount Requested: $ _______________ NOTE: Maximum grant request for a Competitive Grant is $3,000; Maximum grant request for a RIG Competitive Grant is $3,500 DO NOT EXCEED THESE AMOUNTS IN YOUR PROPOSAL. Research involves: Human Subjects: YES NO If yes, IRB approval must be completed before funds will be released. Non-Human Animals: YES NO If yes, IACUC approval must be completed before funds will be released. NOTE: If IRB or IACUC approval is required and has already been approved (ongoing research), please attach the approval letter to the end of this proposal. If IRB or IACUC is required, but has not been approved at the time of this proposal, submit your IRB or IACUC proposal to the appropriate committee after your CISR award has been confirmed. Once your IRB or IACUC protocol has been approved, please send the approval letter to the CISR chair and the research funds will be dispersed. Regional Impact Grant Status: Are you applying for Regional Impact priority status? YES NO If YES, summarize direct benefit to the region (no more than three sentences) Previously received CISR Grants: Have you received any CISR grants for the past three years? YES NO If YES, provide a list of the CISR grants ɫͼ for the past three years (years, project titles, and outcomes/products such as presentations, publications, performance, and/or final projects) and briefly describe the relationship between the past projects funded by the CISR grants and the current project. PROPOSED BUDGET 2023-25 Do NOT exceed $3,000 for Competitive, or $3,500 for RIG 601 Salaries Graduate: $ _______ Undergraduate: $ _______ Salary/Wages: Grant recipients cannot draw a salary from a CISR Grant. CISR pay rates are $7.25 per hour (or current minimum wage) for undergraduate workers and $8.00 for graduate students. For the purpose of calculating salary, a maximum of 15 weeks will constitute a semester. A maximum of 20 hours/week during the semester may be requested. NOTE: Any request for student worker support must include a clear and specific job description for the worker that justifies the number of hours requested, demonstrates that all parts of the work are necessary for the CISR grantees project, and accounts for worker supervision. Student research, scholarly, or creative activity MUST support faculty research and cannot be the product of a CISR grant. 602 Benefits $ _______ Benefits: Social Security, at 7.65%, must be included for any student worker who is enrolled less than half-time, and Workers Compensation, at .65%, must be included for ALL student workers. Do NOT round your calculations. Justification and Itemization of Salaries: -------------------------------------- 711 Services $ _______ Services: Service providers must be identified in the itemization. Provide websites or other documentation. Scan documents to PDF files if necessary and include with application. Mailing services are not covered by CISR; please consider digital communication. Justification and Itemization of Services: ------------------------------------------ 711 Commodities $ _______ (Example: books, office supplies, lab supplies, chemicals, printing) Commodities: A detailed itemized list of expendable or limited-use commodities, including product names, vendors, amounts, specific pricing, etc., MUST be included in the itemization. Vendor websites, catalogues, and other supporting materials must be included. Scan to PDF files if necessary and include with application. Printing and copying expenses are not covered by CISR; please consider digital platforms. All software requests must include supporting materials that demonstrate that the software is not available through any existing University entity. Please discuss software needs with CTLT personnel and your college/school technology specialists. Justification and Itemization of Commodities: ------------------------------------------------ 711 Travel $_______ Travel: An itemized itinerary, including supporting documentation for pricing, must be included. CISR does not fund meals and/or per diem expenses, parking, and may exclude other expenses, depending on budget considerations. All international travel must be approved by the University President. CISR does not fund student travel. CISR also does not fund travel for conference presentations or any other project outcome. CISR may not allocate more than 20% of its total budget on grantee travel, so travel requests are VERY competitive. If you have received substantial travel support in the last two or three grant cycles, others may be given priority over you, so you may wish to consider requesting funding for non-travel expenses for this grant cycle. Justification and Itemization of Travel: -------------------------------------------------- 711 Equipment $_______ Equipment: Itemization must be included for all equipment requested. Vendor websites, catalogue pages, or other supporting materials must be included. Scan to a PDF file if necessary and include with application. Identify where equipment will be housed during and after use for the project proposed. Any instrument or apparatus costing more than $500.00 and purchased with CISR funds must be inventoried and numbered according to MSU protocol immediately upon purchase. NOTE: CISR does not fund desktop or laptop computer or printer purchases under any circumstances. CISR does not fund data storage. Justification and Itemization of Equipment: ---------------------------------------------------- PROPOSAL TOTAL BUDGET: $ _____________ (Not to exceed $3,000 for Competitive, or $3,500 for RIG) **If facilities, commodities, services, travel, and/or equipment are required that are not being requested in the proposal, include explanation of their availability, sources, and funding. NARRATIVE: (MAXIMUM three pages, 11-point font minimum, 1-inch margins, double-spaced be sure to write clearly, in terms comprehensible to all CISR committee members) The Narrative must include the following sections: Summary, Objectives / Goals, Procedures, Significance of Research Project, Proposed Resulting Publication or Significant Scholarly or Creative Activity (including timetable for completion of final product), External funding opportunities or a sustainability plan, and The qualification of the applicant(s) for the proposed project and relevant research/scholarly experiences. An application that does not provide this information, in these subsections, will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewed. Include a Bibliography or Works Cited if relevant.     PAGE  PAGE 1   +-7GJMWXYZ]^_`jk亩|u|kdXD&jhL[5>*B*CJUaJ phh[hsU25CJaJ hC5CJh[haM5CJ hW#5CJ h5Z$5CJ h5CJ hKK5CJ hL[5CJ hK}5CJh[hsU25CJ ho h5B*CJaJ phhL45B*CJaJ phhf5B*CJaJ phhL[5B*CJaJ phh5B*CJaJ phhK}5B*CJaJ ph+` 8 9 ? @ U V $Ifgd*B*CJaJ phhWhL[0J5CJaJ &jhL[5>*B*CJUaJ ph#hL[hL[5>*B*CJaJ phhL[5>*B*CJaJ ph ! 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