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FORMCHECKBOX  Related  FORMCHECKBOX  Possibly Related  FORMCHECKBOX  Not Related  FORMCHECKBOX  Probably Not Related  FORMCHECKBOX  Not Enough Information to Judge If Related or Possibly Related, what procedures were in place to minimize or reduce this risk? FORMTEXT       Cause of event if not related to research: FORMTEXT       SIGNATURES: I certify that to the best of my knowledge the information presented herein is an accurate reflection of the adverse event. Faculty Research _______________________________________________ _______________________________ Faculty Name Date _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ Implementor Present During Adverse Event Date Student Research _______________________________________________ ________________________________ Faculty Sponsor Date _______________________________________________ ________________________________ Student Researcher Date _______________________________________________ ________________________________ Implementor Present During the Adverse Event Date Witness _______________________________________________ ________________________________ Witness Name Date Address: Telephone: FOR IRB USE ONLY Signatures below certify review of this report. ______________________ ______________ IRB Chair Date ______________________ ______________ IRB Vice Chair Date ______________________ ______________ IRB Administrator Date ______________________ ______________ IRB Member Date ______________________ ______________ IRB Member Date ______________________ ______________ IRB Member Date ______________________ ______________ IRB Member Date ______________________ ______________ IRB Member Date ______________________ ______________ IRB Member Date  Are there prior reports of similar events: ( Yes ( No Should protocol be revised? 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( Yes ( Not Applicable Initial Review:_____________________________________ Initial Action:_____________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ( Copy to Attorney ( Copy to Provost Final Action:_______________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________     IRB Adverse Event ( July 2002 Adverse Event: Any happening not consistent with routine expected outcomes that results in bodily injury and/or psychological, emotional, or physical harm or stress. This completed and signed form must be submitted as a pdf document to the IRB at  HYPERLINK "mailto:msu.irb@murraystate.edu" msu.irb@murraystate.edu within 3 calendar days of the adverse event. 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