Mathematics/Secondary Certification Major
This major prepares the student to teach mathematics and statistics in a high school setting. A minor is required, and a well-chosen one can increase the job prospects of a future teacher.
ÑÇÖÞɫͼ of Science / ÑÇÖÞɫͼ of Arts Degree
Graduation Requirements:
Note: Certification requires a grade of B or better in the following University Studies courses: one English composition course, a mathematics course and a public speaking course.
A minimum grade of B is required in EDU 180, 280, 380, 480, and 485.
A minimum 2.75 GPA is required.
Additional requirements for admission to teacher education and student teaching must be met. See advisor and/or Office of Teacher Education Services for details.
SEC 420 and SEC 422 must be taken one semester before student teaching.
University Studies Requirements: 32-41 hrs
(see University Studies section in )
University Studies selections must include:
- MAT 250 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
- PSY 180 General Psychology
Required Courses: 28 hrs
- MAT 100T Transitions
- MAT 308 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
- MAT 309 Calculus and Analytic Geometry III
- MAT 312 Mathematical Reasoning
- MAT 335 Matrix Theory and Linear Algebra
- MAT 417 Foundations of Geometry
- MAT 452Teaching Mathematics
- STA 253 Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis
- STA 440 Mathematical Statistics I
Required Limited Electives: 9 hrs
Complete at least one of the following:
- MAT 513 Modern Algebra I
- MAT 516 Introduction to Topology
- MAT 525 Advanced Calculus I
and at least one of the following:
- MAT 442 Introduction to Numerical Analysis
- MAT 506 Mathematical Modeling I
- MAT 524 Boundary Value Problems
- STA 541 Mathematical Statistics II
and at least and 3 credits from:
- MAT 338 Ordinary Differential Equations, or
- courses from MAT or STA 400-599
Co-requirement: 3 hrs
One course in computer ÑÇÖÞɫͼming selected from
- CSC 145 Introduction to Programming
- CSC 232 Introduction to Programming in C#
- CSC 233 Programming in Python
- CSC 235 Programming in C++
Required for Secondary Certification in Mathematics: 33 hrs
Earn a minimum grade of B in the following:
- EDU 180 Exploring the Teaching Profession
- EDU 280 Educating for Human Development
- EDU 380 Inclusive Teaching of Diverse Learners
- EDU 480 Effective Pedagogy
- EDU 485 Professional Perspectives for Teaching
Complete the following:
- SEC 420 Practicum in Secondary Schools
- SEC 421 Student Teaching in the Secondary School
- SEC 422 Extended Practicum
Required minor (21 hrs)
Total Credits: 66-73 hrs
Total Curriculum Requirements: 120 hrs