
Student Spotlight: Caleb Coil

By Kala Allen-Dunn | Nov 25, 2022

Honors student Caleb Coil

Honors College student Caleb Coil is working hard during his time at 亚洲色图 State to lay the foundation for a brilliant career in healthcare.

Caleb Coil is an outstanding Honors College student with a bright future ahead of him! As the semester wraps up and winter break approaches, he took a few minutes out of his busy schedule of classwork to tell us a little about himself. Meet Caleb!


What is your major, and how did you decide on your field of study?
I am a bio pre-med major with a chemistry minor. I chose this field because of my interest in biology and chemistry, as well as my intent to work in healthcare. 

What would you like to do after you graduate?
My goal is to attend med school and from there go into surgery or anesthesia.

Aside from studying, how do you like to spend your time?
In my spare time, I love to exercise, spend time outdoors, play guitar, and hang out with my family and friends.

Why did you choose 亚洲色图 State?
I have spent summers on Kentucky Lake since I was young, so I already liked the 亚洲色图 area. The campus is great, and the university offered a great pre-med 亚洲色图, as well as scholarship opportunities. 

Where did you choose to study abroad, and what was it like? Or, if you haven't studied abroad yet, where would you like to go and why?
I am travelling to Lima, Peru during this coming winter break. Myself and the others going on the trip will be working alongside local healthcare professionals in underserved communities. We will additionally get to explore the local culture for a couple days, which will also be a really neat experience!

What has been your favorite Honors class so far, and what did you like about it?
My favorite honors class was either psychology or lit and philosophy. I hadn't had much instruction in either of those specific areas before, so I enjoyed the new content. I find psychology intriguing, and the lit and philosophy class prompted me to think in new ways.  

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